Saturday, May 21, 2011

Duncan's Passage, May 21, 2011

This morning began when the alarm sounded at 5:45am.  We had a mad rush for the available showers, and by 6:25 we were packed into my mom's mini van with Dad and the wheel.  In addition to me and my dad were my son Seth "Boy" Markwood and my Brother-in-Law David "The Entertainer" Kennedy.

We drove to Roxbrough Park and took our positions along a looped trail.  Duncan's dad, my Brother-in-Law Chris Comer was schedule to arrive at 7:15, and as he and Duncan walked down the first leg of the trail.

Chris talked to Duncan about how a REAL Man Accepts Responsibility. Chris had the great idea to write on individual index cards inspirational quotes and definitions for Responsibility, and added them to an envelope along with a card with a person note from Chris. One by one he had Duncan read a quote, and Chris then expounded on them. 
The bottom pic is from the trail just beyond the park bench where I was waiting for Chris to pass Duncan off to me.  Click on the pic to biggie-size it, and notice Duncan's Bible on the bench.

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